Roll of Honour

Charlie Imrie
Charlie passed away on 2 December 2006. He had been diagnosed with cancer earlier in the year but it was thought to be in remission. Indeed he and his wife had enjoyed a holiday in Canada as recently as October before the cancer returned in a particularly aggressive form and took him from us.
Born and educated in Leith, Charlie served an apprenticeship as printer on leaving school and apart from his time in 9 Sqn remained at that trade until he was made redundant at the age of 57. His dad had died as a young man and Charlie took on responsibly for looking after his
family. This was a trait that stayed with him all his life —thinking about and acting for others.
On being made redundant Charlie did not lie back and accept his fate. He felt he had responsibilities so off he went and retrained and became a self-employed as a joiner/handyman, a position he held until his untimely death.
While serving his apprenticeship Charlie joined 2 Troop of 300 Sqn. On being called up he joined 9 Sqn where he was in 1 Troop. He was amongst friends in 9 Sqn — Brian Earl, Theo Henderson and Willie Russell were all serving at that time and were all ex 2 Troop, 300 Sqn men. Charlie rejoined 2 Troop on his discharge and served until the reorganisation of the TA in the late 1960s.
3 members of the Association and 3 from the PRA carried Charlie's coffin at his funeral. This was a humanist funeral and the coffin was cardboard. This was particularly appropriate, as he had been heard to comment in his capacity as a joiner "coffins are a waste of good wood". His son and daughter both spoke movingly of him and there could be no doubt he was a much-loved man who will be sadly missed.
Charlie leaves his wife, son and daughter behind and our thoughts are with them.