Roll of Honour

Mike Pallott
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Retiring President of Yorkshire Branch AEA, he held the appointment until the day he died. Mike was in my opinion, one of life’s memorable characters who was considerate, fabulously welcoming socially and a gentleman to boot. When he knew you, he would do anything to help you and those with whom you associated. No surprise he held Provincial Grand rank in the Masonic Craft Order. Mike was one of the very first members of 59 Indep Cdo Sqn RE when they formed in Singapore in 1964 under an ex 9 Sqn man as their first Officer commanding, Maj John Grosvenor. At the time, the British Government were extremely concerned that we would be drawn into the Vietnam conflict in support of our American cousins. As a precaution we despatched several missions into Vietnam to recce our various areas of expertise which the Govt of the day were certain we would get asked to advise upon. One area as Engineers was to be the tunnel systems. |
Mike was one of the very first members of 59 Indep Cdo Sqn RE when they formed in Singapore in 1964 under an ex 9 Sqn man as their first Officer commanding, Maj John Grosvenor. At the time, the British Government were extremely concerned that we would be drawn into the Vietnam conflict in support of our American cousins. As a precaution we despatched several missions into Vietnam to recce our various areas of expertise which the Govt of the day were certain we would get asked to advise upon. One area as Engineers was to be the tunnel systems.
Mike and another colleague, Bob Ishmay (who later retired as a Lt Col) were sent to recce these tunnel systems and see where we could best be utilised in the Corps. The pair were hence forth known as the Tunnel Rat Brothers! I was fortunate enough to visit Mike one morning in late March this year, knowing he was ill and that it was possibly one of our last meetings before lockdown. I was privileged to be taken into his trophy room, more of a shrine to his exploits in the Corps to be fair. He had an extension built on the bungalow he and Jeanette lived in Rainton near Thirsk. One of the rooms designated as his study (shrine in my book) which was brimming with memorabilia. There on a specially illuminated shelf was his Tunnel Rat Brothers presentation piece! An educational fact to me but proof of the story, I was in awe - Mike Pallott - adventurer, International Corps ambassador.
I hear Mike spent some time on a submarine around the same time, it was an effort to cross train with 59 Cdo. As a result Mike wore the submariner dolphins with pride having been presented with the honour by the submarine crew, obviously having made an impression on them during his time with them.
When I was RCMO at 21 Engr Regt, there was the 2011 annual Ripon weekend. At a planning meeting, the CO Bobby Walton Knight was dishing out responsibilities and hosting lists etc. The comment was “Head of the Freemasons in Ripon, Mike Pallott” I immediately raised my hand and said, I’ll host him Colonel. On the day, Emma and I were in the Mess when a waiter came past with some red wine, Mike and I took a glass and I said, the classic line “Just bring me a bottle”! Five bottle’s later, we were amongst the last few standing. Mike asked me why he was invited and I told him, he just laughed and suggested it was just my ploy to get him in the mess to get on it. I told him it wasn’t true but he insisted it was lol.
Of course Mike was Bill Rudd’s Secretary in the Yorkshire branch having stepped up to the plate when Charlie Dunk passed away so suddenly RIP. Bill was always very appreciative of Mikes work, telling me that he always had the minutes ready for scrutiny on the Monday after the Saturday meeting. Of course they were long standing buddies from 59 Cdo Sqn as well as Mikes time at 9 Para Sqn as the A.O.
When the Yorks branch were asked to leave the Harrogate TAC, Mike was the PSAO at Pontefract and re housed the branch same day. Most of you will remember Bill Rudd for his booming voice and hearing aid. I recall coming to an AEA meeting one day and Mike (in his capacity as branch Secretary) pulling me to one side saying that Bill could hardly hear what any of the branch were saying. As his President sat next to him, you are repeating everything to him from the floor. Would it not be a better set up if you did the Chairman’s job and Bill did the Presidents job? I was speechless but instantly saw the sense in the proposal. Clearly Bill knew about it already so no matter what I thought, it was a done deal between the two of them. No sooner had we sat down and Bill announced the changes. Hence it remains Mike Pallott’s guidance and foresight I write this obituary on his behalf.
Mike told me himself of his funeral plans and the fact that St. Michaels hospice in Harrogate were already involved in assisting him and Jeanette at home with him being bed bound in his later days. We kept contact regularly and I was privy to the fact that he would never get back out of bed after the hospital had said he would not survive another round of Chemotherapy. He told me that the Ripon freemasons had collected around £1000 in support of St. Michael’s hospice and that he would double any funds raised. We as a branch have donated £100 in support of Mike efforts.
All of my experiences and times with Mike Pallott have been so fondly remembered and I for one will miss his counsel and friendship. We as a branch owe Mike a huge debt of gratitude for keeping us on the correct path. Honoured by the Association with his well-deserved commendation for his hard work and dedication to the branch in 2014, it gives me enormous pleasure to count Mike as a friend and brother. Perhaps poignant that it is November and Remembrance weekend as I write this. Mike, we will always remember you, save journey brother.
Mike Pallott was an ardent supporter of ACREOA of course having a foot in both camps! I took him with me, Bill Rudd and Bob Prosser one year - Messy! But Mike was always the perfect gentleman.